Kepler is very easy to use! It
can be used by people with any level of experience, from
novice to professional. Although this may sound impossible,
we have made it possible by having well organized menus;
novices can stick to the basics, and experts use the advanced
provides interpretations and analysis of individuals, relationships,
and future trends. The information is in plain English so
you can understand it, and uses the latest, most sophisticated
astrological analytical techniques to provide accuracy. Kepler
also provides a huge number of technical calculations for
the advanced or professional astrologer.
Kepler program provides a comprehensive set of tools that
is useful for a wide range of interests. Whether your interest
is learning astrology, research, advanced techniques, beautiful
graphics, or having attractive chart wheels and accurate
interpretations, Kepler can deliver what you need.
REQUIREMENT: Kepler requires a computer with a CD
rom drive, Windows Operating System (including Windows 7, 8, 8.1 and 10),
32 MB RAM memory or
and 1 Gig hard disk space. Also
compatible with either 32 bit or 64 bit operating system. Speakers
are not required but are recommended. Kepler also runs on Mac
computers with Windows Operating System
is a revolutionary product unlike anything else: so complete
and easy to use that a complete novice can use it to obtain
useful information, but so sophisticated that it uses cutting
edge astrological theory (harmonics and cosmobiology, for
example, to produce some of the interpretive reports - don't
worry, you don't need to understand what these are to use
Kepler!). Kepler is a complete astrological software system
that provides a huge number of technical calculations, interpretations,
astrological education, a Multimedia presentation, graphics,
and Time Range of Calculations: Planets can be calculated
from the years 999 BC to 2300 AD, except the asteroids and
8 transneptunian planets which in some cases cannot be calculated
before 1000 AD. Accuracy of all planets is less than 1 second
of arc.
Atlas: Kepler
comes with a complete atlas of the world with over 260,000
cities and the most up-to-date time zone and daylight savings
time tables. This is absolutely necessary in order to calculate
a chart accurately!!! Easy-to-use: Type in upper or lower case,
see cities as you type, and narrow the search to a specific
country or state if desired.
Flexibility: Customize
aspects and orbs, and have up to 3 pre-defined aspect sets.
Edit any feature of an interpretive report, translate reports
to a different language, or even create your own interpretive
reports from scratch! You can customize regular wheels, biwheels,
triwheels, transit-to-natal aspects, progressed-to-natal aspects,
Profile Reports and Time Line details. Select any TrueType
font for use in interpretations. The above list is a sample
of some of the features that can be customized, and is not
a complete list.