Personality Report Personality Report Relocation and Vacation Report Frree Chart Wheel

I'm excited to share with you the many experiences I've encountered throughout my life, beginning in my teenage years and continuing into adulthood. My goal is to provide guidance that can help you navigate your life's journey. The wisdom we gain from our childhood and adult experiences can lead us to grow wiser. I hope that by sharing my story, your life will become easier to navigate and more beautiful, guiding you in the right direction.

Over the years, through my business travels, lectures, and teaching, I've collected a number of educational articles that I believe you'll find enjoyable and informative
You may be asking, "What is Vibrational Astrology?" In this section, you'll not only learn what it is but also how to utilize it in your life.
In this corner, you will meet my Vibrational Astrology Team Mates. Following are the alphabetical order of their names: Christopher Pridham, Dave Wells, Michele Love, and Starlene Breiter
Here, you'll find a selection of my recorded lectures that you can purchase and watch at your convenience, right from your home.

As a professional astrologer specializing in Vibrational Astrology, I offer one-hour consultations. If you're facing any issues in your life and need guidance, I'm here to assist you. Click on "About Fei" to learn more about me.

Whether you're considering relocating or dealing with personal matters, I'm here to help you find the right solutions. If you have a quick question that you need an answer to, click on "Dear Fei" and send me a message. This service is complimentary via email. For a full consultation, either via Zoom or in person, click on "Consult with Fei"

Located in this corner are my YouTube channel and my teammates' podcast, Vibrational Astrology & Cosmic Connection. Subscribing to each of the channels will allow you to receive notifications when new videos are posted.
Together with our dedicated team and esteemed colleagues, Fei initiated the annual Vibrational Astology Conference, and co-founded the Cosmic Patterns Conference. She's an integral member of the Cosmic Patterns Research Team and finds great joy in her collaborative work both at Cosmic Patterns and within her research team.


About Fei Consult With Fei Personality Report Sirius Dear Fei