Chart Services: Interpretations and Astrology Charts
Specialized Natal Reports
Edgar Cayce was one of the world's most famous and best-documented psychics. Astrologer Ry Redd spent many months at the Edgar Cayce Foundation in Virginia, studying the astrological references in Cayce's readings, and from these studies, Mr. Redd developed an interpretation of your birth chart that is similar to the way he thinks that Edgar Cayce would have interpreted it in his psychic readings. The language of this report is in Cayce tradition: very esoteric and inspiring.
With birth time: $15.95
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This report is written specifically for parents of children, and it focuses on issues that parents are concerned about for their children: the needs, talents, potential problems, health, relationship to parents, the school environment, etc.

Note that there are 2 versions of the Child Report, one for boys and one for girls. The content of both reports is basically the same. The only difference is that the report for boys has words like "he" and "him" while the report for girls uses "she" and "her" instead.

With birth time: $9.95
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This report analyzes patterns of imbalance found in the natal chart and offers very unique alternatives to traditional medicine. The report describes what kinds of psychological imbalances are likely, how they can affect one's overall well-being, and provides specific tools which can improve health of the entire being by offering suggestions for the emotional, mental, and spiritual body. Flower essences, gems, music, aromatherapy and color therapy are among the healing tools that are mentioned in the report.
No birth time: $5.95
With birth time: $7.95
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This report describes subconscious issues that can affect your attitude towards life, and in particular how your relationship with your parents can be affecting your personality.
With birth time: $3.95
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From an esoteric point of view your birth chart is a portrait of your soul's intention for this lifetime, the lessons to be learned, qualities to develop, problems to be resolved, service to be rendered. From that perspective, the choices one makes in one's daily life have reverberations that may last beyond even this lifetime. This report is written to help you clarify your lessons and goals, illuminate your struggles, and encourage you to move in the direction of your true purposes.
With birth time: $5.95
With birth time: $9.95
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The effects of past life experiences can carry over into your current life, accounting for interests, habits, even phobias which would defy explanation by conventional methods. This report examines possible past life connections using astrological methods. It is not intended to be taken as a complete interpretation of your birth chart; it looks at your chart from only one perspective.
With birth time: $5.95
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This report gives very short, simple, direct interpretations of the astrological influences in your birth chart. Beginning students of astrology can find the concise interpretations helpful in developing their own ability to focus in on the essential meaning of the astrological influences. It emphasizes the importance of a positive attitude to make the most of one's life.
With birth time: $3.95
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The purpose of this report is to provide you with information which you can use to help protect yourself (or your child) from crime, based on your astrological chart.

The most important thing to remember always is that it is YOU -YOUR consciousness and YOUR will power which are your best protection against crime. The value of this report is to provide you with information which will help YOU, as an empowered, responsible, and creative individual to make the most effective decisions for yourself. This report is a resource for you to use; it is supportive of your own ability to make your own, best choices.
With birth time: $9.95
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This report is designed to serve as a guide in finding your true vocation. At the same time an analysis of your personal characteristics, strengths or inhibitions, unused potential, karma, creativity, ability to earn money, work in relation to your employment etc., is given. At the end you will find a synthesis of the foregoing that will help you to summarize and clarify your mission in this life. Throughout this report numerous indications of possible vocations or professions related to your astrological influences are outlined. It is suggested that you reflect on this information within yourself so that in the end your own intuition can lead you to the best selection.
No birth time: $7.95
With birth time: $9.95
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