Personality Report Relocation and Vacation Report Frree Chart Wheel

LOVE & ROMANCE Map for North America: (USA including Hawaii and Alaska, Canada)

HOW TO USE THIS MAP: There are astrological symbols at the upper and lower end of the AstroMap. These symbols are provided for astrologers who know how to use this additional information, but you can ignore them. You do not have to be an astrologer to read this map. Simply focus on the dark red area to find the best place to find Love and Romance relationship in a given geographic area on the map.

  • Areas on the map that are tinted with a red color are the best areas for attracting love and romance. Yellow areas are also good for attracting love and romance, but not as powerful as the red areas. The orange-colored areas fall in between the red and yellow areas in intensity. A geographic area varies from light yellow (slight romantic emphasis) to deep red (strongest romantic emphasis).

Chart Data: Julia Roberts, Oct. 28, 1967, 12:16 AM, Atlanta, GA

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